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Remember the Fallen Heroes

There are college students and young people today who don't understand the meaning of Memorial Day. Teach them, so they can respect and understand the sacrifices made for THEIR Freedom and to not take that for granted. We honor those that served and gave their lives, mere words can never fully express what is in our hearts. We are forever grateful. 💕🇱🇷

"Memorial Day, for many Americans, conjures up images of hamburgers, hot dogs, swimming pools, and summertime . But the last Monday in May serves, most importantly, as a time to honor those who died while fighting in the U.S. Armed Forces. It’s a holiday steeped in somber American history and tradition. The day actually began as “Decoration Day,” following the Civil War, when mourners placed flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers. Yes, Memorial Day has also come to signify the “unofficial” start of summer, but let’s remember the heroes who made it all possible."

Go here to read the entire article, with some very interesting history and information about the day.

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